Another successful cake sale mum and dad! Many thanks to the very generous parishioners of St Anthony’ s parish, Rutherglen! 💗
Firewalk 2023 Challenge
Another successful teas and baking after mass - thanks as always to St Anthony’s parishioners 💖
Huge thanks to everyone at St Anthony’s and especially to Father Coyle for matching the £155 I raised!!
Just a wee donatioin before my first coffee n cupcake sale in October since covid...
With love and thanks to everyone in the hospice 💖
And another successful coffee and cupcakes at St Anthony’s, Rutherglen
Another successful cupcake sale!
Christmas coffee and cupcakes!
Another coffee and cupcake success!! Thank you all at St Anthony’s!!
Coffee and cupcakes at St Anthony's Rutherglen!! 👍😊🙌
Successful cupcake sale thanks to St Anthony's parishioners! 😘😘
Another coffee n cupcake sale! Thank you St Anthony's parish 👍😊 x
Coffee and cupcakes sale - thanks St Anthony's!! 👍😊 x
More cupcakes sold!! Thanks to all x
Thanks to everyone who supported Ellen when she took part in the Clyde Stride
Thank you to everyone who supported Clyde Stride this year
Another successful coffee and cupcakes at St Anthony's church! Thanks to all who support us! x
Another successful coffee and cupcakes at St Anthony's!! x
£153.20 raised from our coffee and cupcake event, very kind donation of £30 from Liz and Hugh and £5 from Una! Big thanks to everyone 😊👍 x
Thanks to everyone who took part in the charity night
A lovely, kind donation from my 'cousin-in-law' Joyce Slack. Much appreciated x
Thanks to David Cassidy, Helen Brown and Janet Gallacher for money box donations.
Huge thanks to all who helped make our night a success! â˜ºï¸ Money please to Brick By Brick appeal! x
A wee donation from money received on the occasion of our silver wedding! x
Thank you to everyone who sponsored us to take part in the Midnight Walk 2013
Thank you to everyone who is supporting me to take part in the Midnight Walk 2013.
Money raised from coffee and cupcake sale in St. Anthony's Church and St. Fillan's Primary. Huge thanks again to everyone! x
Dad, you would have been 85 today. Thinking about you and mum a lot recently.....Love and hugs from me, Iain, Jennifer and Mark ps not that I don't think about you a lot anyway!!! xxxx