Coffee and cupcake sale after Mass 3 March! £9 of it was raised by selling the few remaining cupcakes in St Fillan's Primary :-) Big thanks to everyone xx
A huge thanks to everyone who joined us on the bag pack at Tesco's and also thank you to everyone who put their money in the bucket.
Another successful coffee and cupcakes after mass! Bag packing next!! xx
A wee donation from my friend Tricia Kent xx
Another successful cupcake sale! Thanks to all St. Anthony's parishioners!
Another successful night!! Big thanks to everyone who came along and supported us and to the hospice for their help and support xx
Coffee and cupcake event after Mass at St. Anthony's Rutherglen and St. Fillan's staff kindly ate the leftovers! Couldn't do it without you all xx
Money collected at the Tesco Bag Pack which we organised for 23rd December. Thanks to everybody who gave their time to help us and to all the shoppers who were very generous indeed.
Who would have thought we could raise so much selling coffees and cupcakes?! St Anthony's did us proud again :-)
Even more money which has come in following the night at Kirkhill Bowling Club. Once again, thanks to everyone for your tremendous support.
What a fantastic amount raised at Kirkhill Bowling Club! It was a great evening with entertainment supplied by 'Elvis' and 'Al Jolson'!! Thanks to all who helped in any way. What a great tribute to our mum and dad xx